Observing the actions and reactions of the Bunge (the Parliament) in recent times on various issues, I’ve been asking myself, what’s going on? Distracted Reflections. Marathons in my mind. Disturbed. Laughing and crying for my nation. Then, just a few minutes ago , I remembered a module I taught 8 years ago at the University of Nottingham, titled “Political Ideas in Revolution” of which we discussed Edmund Burke among many other political theorists.
Burke, who was once a Member of Parliament for Bristol (UK) spoke on the role of Parliament (quoted below). A piece, which I think can be useful in reminding the Bunge (one of the three pillars/branches of the Government – with vested constitutional powers in the lines of the Magistrate and Executive) of its key role. Acknowledging and understanding what Burke said will help the Bunge to get back to its esteemed role rather than being a laughable partisan theatre it is threatened to become!
Here is what Burke said:
I humbly advise all MPs and the entire leadership of Bunge to read this and be reminded of the true service that they are called upon by Tanzanians to perform. Let’s stop partisanship and hostility and serve our nation!
That is a great reflection, Aikande.I hope this message will reach the MPs for the needful.