Kwayu A. (forthcoming). The Immorality of Pregnancy and Truancy as Alibi: Uncovering systematic discrimination in access to basic education in Tanzania. In Cooper E., Erdmute A. and Wandiya N. (Eds.).Education Alibi. Michigan University Press
Kwayu A. (2023). Walking rallies: opposition party’s new campaigning approach in Tanzania 2020 election. Commonwealth & Comparative Politics. 1-18
Süleymanoglu-Kürüm R. and Kwayu Aikande (2022). Assessment of good governance and gender equality in the EU’s budgetary support programme in Tanzania: Insights from agriculture sector. In Digdem S.C (Ed). EU Good Governance Promotion in the Age of Democratic Decline. Palgrave Mcmillan.
Stambach Amy and Kwayu Aikande (2021). Witness to a passing: The silent death of local water management and the quiet hand of government. Journal of Ethnographic Theory. 11 (2):412-427
Kwayu Aikande (2021). Determinants of a political party’s social media strategy: A comparative analysis of Tanzania’s opposition political parties’ Twitter practices. Party Politics.
Stambach Amy & Kwayu Aikande (2020). Pragmatic Faith and the Tanzanian Lutheran Church: Bishop Erasto N. Kweka’s and Work. Lexington.
Kwayu Aikande (2020). Religion and British International Development Policy. Palgrave Macmillan
Stambach Amy & Kwayu Aikande, (2017). Confucius Institutes in Africa, or How the Educational Spirit in Africa is Re-Rationalised Towards the East. Journal of Southern African Studies. 43/2.
Kwayu Aikande, (2016). Taxing the Rich in Tanzania: Interfaith Activism in Mining Star in Smith J. P & Dreher S. (Eds.) Contrasting Roles of Religious Activism in the Global Economy. London: Rowman & Littlefield International.
Kwayu Aikande, (2015). Different ‘uses of Nyerere’ in the Constitutional Review debates: A touchstone for legitimacy in Tanzania, in Fouere, Marie-Aude (Ed.). Remembering Nyerere: History, Memory, Legacy. Dar es Salaam: Mkuki na Nyota Press.
Stambach Amy & Kwayu Aikande. 2013, Take the Gift of My Child and Return Something to Me: On Children, Chagga Trust, and Religion on Mount Kilimanjaro, Journal of Religion in Africa, 43/4, pp. 379-395
Kwayu, Aikande. 2013, “Book Review: Understanding the Somalia Conflagration: Identity, Political Islam, and Peacebuilding by Elmi A.A.,” Capital and Class, 37/1, pp. 167-69
Kwayu, Aikande. 2011. “Faith Groups in the First Ten Years of DFID (1997-2007)” and “Pluralism, Secularism, and Religious Schools: Addressing a Perennial Problem.” Invited commentary with colleagues on the topic: “Religion, Education, and Secularism in International Agencies.” Comparative Education Review 55.1 (2011): 111-142.
Kwayu, Aikande. 2011. “Cameron Coming to the (Foreign) Aid of the Party?” Ballots and Bullets, School of Politics publication, University of Nottingham, 6/6/2011. See
*** Wameyo, Amboka; David Makala; & Aikande Kwayu. 2005. What is Violence? Perspectives from Children in Tanzania: A Contribution to the United Nations Study on Violence Against Children. New York: World Vision International.
*** (Not peer reviewed/non-academic)