…Get off chains of “political correctness”…. Some extracts from #TheDiaryOfAMadPartyGirl on #Gaza issue!


Over days I’ve been battling with my reasoning and emotions on this #Gaza issue…process tracing of my entries in the #TheDiaryOfAMadPartyGirl are providing a clear picture of my thinking line…and as I tweeted yesterday, the conclusion is “…in the final analysis there is a lot of hypocrisy surrounding the whole issue of #Gaza…” I may be wrong because I cannot measure it, but my feelings from the observations etc…is that most people who are out there blaming Israel and supporting Palestine or is it Hamas side of the current conflict (not so sure anymore what is what anymore) are doing it out of hypocrisy and them being prisoners of “political correctness”.

So today, Lady #Warsi, the British FCO Minister, resigned on the reason that she can no more support British foreign policy on #Gaza. Oooh my, well…at least she prompted me to write this blog entry, which I’ve been trying not to.   What hypocrisy is this!!!!! How come she has been supporting the British double-sided nature foreign policy throughout and she is only resigning now on Gaza issue! What about kids who have been killed in Syria for the last two or so years and Britain together with other great powers human right defenders kept a cold/silent shoulder on the issue…

Did she, by the way (just incase I missed it) said anything with regards to the ongoing systematic killings and brutal persecution of Christians in Iraq? Are there people demonstrating this brutal injustice going on in the same region?

Many people, like Warsi, are blaming what is going on in Gaza but they never utter words on similar attacks to Syria and other similar injustices happening in Middle East.

Don’t get me wrong, I feel very sorry and it’s painful seeing innocent children being killed and injured. It is very hurtful that I, most of the time, wish Jesus should just come back asap!   The world is becoming hell on its own…#traumatic

But my point here, the whole issue is more politicized and this has distorted the humanitarian aspect of it. Hamas is to be blamed (No. 1 criminals) because if they know that they cannot fight Israel why are they putting their own children at risk? I often feel that Hamas only care for international sympathy as their means to obtain political and territorial power at the cost of deaths of hundreds of children and other civilians. History shows us that Israel will always defend itself at whatever cost and (un)fortunately they are very blessed so fighting them with military proves to be counterproductive…Hamas needs to look for alternative ways if they are really into protecting their people. They also need to learn from Israel on ways to protecting their civilians instead of putting them as shields…do you want to tell me, with all the fully-fledged hatred surrounding this Gaza issue, if Hamas would get a chance to kill Israeli children, they wont do it? I bet they would…but Israel protects its people more than anything…It’s a lesson!

Ok…here we go! There’s a true story in the Bible that underlines King Solomon’s wisdom. Two women were fighting for one child each claiming the child to be hers. Then they took the matter to the King, and here is what the King said… “I’ll divide the child into two parts and give one part to each….” Can you guess what happened? One of the two women stood up and said to the King, “don’t do that, just give the live child to her (the other woman)…” and the King established that was the true mother of the child, because she was ready to loose her claim for the life of the child! …And so Solomon gave the child to the true mother

The moral of the story here is…if Hamas really loves its nation, children, and women…they need to be ready to loose their ego, political ambitions, etc…for the safety and life of their people….

2 thoughts on “…Get off chains of “political correctness”…. Some extracts from #TheDiaryOfAMadPartyGirl on #Gaza issue!

  1. Ng'wanza

    Poor us where is humanity going! I can’t really comprehend the kind of analysis I am reading here, but again it is to be expected, especially in these days of celebrating ‘state terrorism’ and especially when a colonial question is reduced into a biblical issue! I am not surprised because today in our countries many people identify with Israel (Christians!) tracing their ancestry from the 12 biblical tribes of Israel, and siding with the ‘chosen’ nation in its project to disable and demobilize the forces and culture of resistance against occupation, to indiscriminately punish and discipline all – real and potential resisters! On this Israel, and its US ally has been successful, thanks to the US and Israel supported propaganda via a New Evangelical Churches, among many other mediums!

    But I had expected a different and sober analysis from you. I share your concerns about the children dying in both Israel and Gaza, and probably elsewhere in the region. I can understand that, children should be excluded from war. But you fail to understand the Israel’s propaganda war machine and its aims (instead blame Hamas, and criminalize them). But you haven’t tried to put yourself into the shoes of the Palestinian people, especially those in Gaza (you even forget that Hamas was democratically elected by the people of Gaza, it is therefore not a self imposition on the people, my be they are stupid – which I don’t think!). So, I can understand how they feel and what they desire to see happening – the destruction of the Israel War Machine, and end of occupation, full stop!

    You blame Hamas for putting children on line to be killed by Israelis while they know that they are not able to withstand the Israelis forces. I wonder how you read history, or if you read histories of resistance at all (even in your Bible the story of David and Goliath would make some sense here, if you give it a contextual political interpretation). If all oppressed, dominated, colonized/occupied would have shared such attitude not any of us would be ‘free’ as independent countries today! If you refresh yourself with the most recent concluded struggles in Africa, take South Africa as an example, you will realize that the choice to resort to armed struggle was done with the knowledge that the ANC’s Umkotho we Sizwe (AK 47)was powerless to the Apartheid War Machine, but a choice was made, and one of the weapon of the weak – in military terms was guerrilla war, which involved sabotaging strategic areas with a purpose of turning the White population against the Apartheid regime [this you can read on your own]. The oppressed realized, as Fanon would tell us, the oppressor does not understand any other language but violence. Yes it needs sacrifices, sometimes very high and painful sacrifices – shedding blood of our dear ones – including children, but it is not a blood shed on the alter of fear and cowardice, the fear to confront the oppressor to end oppression, but blood shed for a noble and just cause, to free people and humanity from oppression! How about this, think about it!

    Let me, finally attempt a re-interpretation of the story of the two women, the child and King Solomon. You wrote [“Two women were fighting for one child each claiming the child to be hers. Then they took the matter to the King, and here is what the King said… “I’ll divide the child into two parts and give one part to each….” Can you guess what happened? One of the two women stood up and said to the King, “don’t do that, just give the live child to her (the other woman)…” and the King established that was the true mother of the child, because she was ready to loose her claim for the life of the child! …And so Solomon gave the child to the true mother.] and your interpretation “[The moral of the story here is…if Hamas really loves its nation, children, and women…they need to be ready to loose their ego, political ambitions, etc…for the safety and life of their people….]. I disagree! Let me try mine hereunder:

    The moral of the story to me is that justice has to be done and granted – assumming there is a just and wise governor – like King Solomon. In the world today, and when it is on the Palestine Question such a just and wise Governor is non existence. who doesn’t know that Palestine belongs to the Palestinian people and that Israel is an Occupier? That the struggles of the people of Palestine will never be subdued until they are free! Who is Solomon here, in our own context – the UN, HAMAS, Israel or what? You don’t tell us this. My political analytic leads me to read your biblical story this way Solomon represents governance (and a just governance), let’s assume the international community (so the UN). Hamas would be one of the two woman, the true mother of the Child (ready to sacrifice anything/everything to keep Palestine free), and Israel (the occupier) does not care, to have the poor child cut into two pieces. But, in my view the UN is not King Solomon because in the Palestine question it is not wise, it is not just! It sides with the oppressor the occupier!

    Sorry, this is my first time to contribute in your blog, you provoked me.

  2. Aikande

    Dear Ng’wanza,

    Thanks so much for your critical feedback and comments on the entry. Such are much appreciated. They help us to further think and refine our thinking.

    As much as I agree with some of your concerns, I think your comment is a proof to the problem that my entry is, if anything, trying to highlight. What this entry is really about is not the ‘state’ but the ‘public reaction’ or rather the reactions of the ‘global citizens’ into this Israel/Hamas issue. I think global citizens are also biased when they support Hamas without any critical eye into what Hamas is doing. This is wrong and it helps Hamas to achieve its own goal- i.e. creating international sympathy and avoiding responsibility! Why do citizens (of the world) who support Hamas do it blindly without having, at least, a counterargument just to see the other side so as to have a balanced view? Do you want to tell me Hamas are 100% innocent and not to be blamed for the deaths of 1000s+ kids?
    I think comparing Israel/Palestine issue with ANC struggle against Apartheid is not helpful and completely out of context. Besides, if you read history well and analyse, it was not the armed fighting that gave victory to ANC or even ended Apartheid but the pacificistic means. Please refer to the story of “Sun and Wind” in the Mandela’s book ‘Conversation with Myself” . So there’s a place for both (armed and pacifists means ) now since the Palestines (and at some point the Arab world) have been fighting Israel for decades without success in addition to humiliation and killings/deaths of innocent civilians, don’t you think it’s now time they get a new strategy that will be more effective and protect their children? Do you know Hamas has political ambitions that are selfish and that’s why they don’t sit very well with their relatives in the West Bank! We need to put emotions and bias behind and have an objective balanced analysis. Political correctness and hypocrisy from both side of supporters is a poisinous salt to this Israel/Palestine wound.


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