Last month the world lost one of the great leaders of 21st Century. This is Lee Kuan Yew. May his soul rest in peace. Why was Lee Kuan Yew not only a great but also a distinguished leader of the 21st Century?
This book, Continue reading
Last month the world lost one of the great leaders of 21st Century. This is Lee Kuan Yew. May his soul rest in peace. Why was Lee Kuan Yew not only a great but also a distinguished leader of the 21st Century?
This book, Continue reading
David Axelrod provides an inspiring account of his political journey while marinating it with his personal life. This book can fall into two different genres – a biography and a non-fictional prose for a political career.While narrating his political journey (i.e. his career for 40 years), Axelrod recounts his personal life including his relations with parents, sibling, wife, and children. In this, it is a masterpiece. Continue reading
Writing this while on air somewhere in the Atlantic between America and Europe, I could not help but starting by citing…“the world must be all fucked up …when men travel first class and literature goes as freight” (406). Continue reading
Achebe C., Continue reading
Oooh “poor sweet” Kyeku!! She wonders who is the alchemist? … but not as lost as the man sitting next to her on the plane, asking “are you studying chemistry”? “No, why?” Kyeku responded Continue reading
‘So Aika, what are you reading now?’ Sarita, my friend who is also the founder of the BookStop Sanaa asked me a few weeks ago, and I responded, “The Ladies Delight by Emile Zola’, ‘Wow’, she continued, ‘you are reading him? He is one of the known left classic literature writers…good stuff’. Indeed Continue reading
My greatest challenge in reviewing this biography has been the dilemma of either to talk about Masden’s art of writing, research, and content presentation or about Chanel who is the main subject of the book. Continue reading
I am out of words to explain my reflection of this book because it is such an in-depth moving story…and worse enough, it’s a true story! A true story about love. A love relationship between Lev and Sveta that could not be Continue reading
During my PhD research at the University of Nottingham, I developed very close friendship with one bright man, Dr. Kunal Mukherjee. He is such a darling. I love him and I do miss him terribly- everything and everyday. I owe him so much, I must admit. Hauntingly, in almost every page of Zadie Smith’s White Teeth, Continue reading
‘I dislike the expression “economic science” which strikes me as terribly arrogant because it suggests that economics has attained a higher scientific status than other social sciences’. This sentence is extracted from Piketty’s conclusion chapter. Continue reading